Design +
This is transformation of an outdated and abandoned brick boxy building into functional office and warehouse of high-tech products in an industrial area of Alhambra. Design is based on the Mission influenced Spanish Colonial Revival architecture style such as Union Station in Los Angeles whereby the tower marks the new main entrance of building on asymmetrical facade of building. The building is also based on the adjacent "Rubix Cube" which has become a landmark in the city. The City of Alhambra (which means gateway) is the Gateway to San Gabriel Valley which is the slogan of City. The historic San Gabriel mission is birth place of Los Angeles City. Gateway in this building signifies the new main entry to new main space. The composition of buildings is using a "complementary contrast" between transparent mass of office (extrovert space) and more solid of warehouses (introvert spaces). Double insulated Low-E glass and white membrane roofing materials are utilized for energy saving purposes.